These are my favorite
pictures of my kids. I have 2 sons and 1 daughter. All are grown
and off leading their own lives. Check back soon because I hope
to add pics of the grand kids too!
This is my oldest, Terry.
He lives in Idaho where he runs his own business. He has 3 daughters--
Brittany (in Heaven), Pamela, & Marquee.
This is Timmy. He's
a chief in the United States Navy and lives in Georgia. He has
2 kids-- Joey & Rebecca.
This is my youngest,
Lisa. She lives in Tennessee and has one daughter, Kelsey. Lisa
is the one who built this website for me.
This is my granddaughter,
Kelsey. She is the only grandchild I've got to enjoy and watch
grow up. Kelsey turned 7 in April of 2003.
This is the newest addition
to my family. His name is Buddy. He's part Pekignese and part
Chow. He's 9 weeks old in this photo.
This is a recent picture
of Buddy. This is a "glam" shot of him as my Biker